Hey there, I’m Laura!
I live just outside of Clearwater/St. Pete with my incredible husband, Thom, and our 2 children.
My story begins in 2013 when Thom and I went on an amazing trip together overseas. We started off in Barcelona Spain, made our way to the Monaco Grand Prix, went to Rome for a few days and ended our amazing journey in Venice, Italy where he proposed to me on a Gondola.
It was at a quaint little restaurant that day, somewhere in Venice, where my culinary adventure begins. As we admired the sparkling waters of the beautiful canals that surrounded us. I sat with a dazzling diamond ring on my finger and indulged in what was the absolute BEST lasagna EVER! Every single part of me was on Cloud 9 overload. (see recipe for more)
When we returned home, I started researching ways to replicate this phenomenal dish. I scoured the internet looking for recipes but couldn’t quite find what I was looking for. I inevitably took bits and pieces of other recipes, replaced a few things here and there, and ended up with the most AMAZING creation. I was so impressed! It was at that moment I fell in love with cooking. I’m not sure if it was the actual taste that had me hooked, or the fact I created something so damn delightful. Either way, I was proud of myself. And what’s more was how wonderful it felt receiving such praise from my soon to be hubby. I was on top of the world.
Thom and I eventually got married the following year and had our first child in 2015 followed by our second child in 2016.
The very next year, two toddlers deep, I was diagnosed with stage 3 Breast Cancer. After going through several months of chemo (and completely losing my hair) I was further required to have both of my lady lumps chopped off.
I was devastated, insecure, bald and FLAT. At least I was alive. Still though, I lost my career, I lost my hair, I lost my dignity. I basically lost everything that once defined me. I felt inadequate and ugly.
I used cooking to drown out my insecurities. I used it to build myself up. I used it out of necessity to feed my family every day.
I guess you could say I yearned for praise though, and cooking delicious food was my little way of ensuring I received kudos. It also gave me a sense of accomplishment
In addition to providing my readers with flavorful food, my mission is to deliver
- Quality ideas that are worth the time making.
- Easy, comprehendible prep instructions
- Memorable dishes that have your guests asking for time and time again
- Meals that make you personally feel happy and accomplished
- Flavors that you are proud of and compliments, accomplishments,
I love to cook, and I enjoy uncovering new recipes and finding different cooking methods. Cooking doesn’t have to be hard. Part of my vision is to educate people on the process behind how to make flavorful dishes. I’m not a trained chef; I’m just a wife and mom who happens to be a good writer and a great cook and you will find that I will explain and write things in easy, quick, understandable ways.
My ultimate goal is to provide you with flavorful meals that have a WOW factor so that you too can experience the gratification that comes with impressing your family and other dinner guests.
I hope you enjoy making my simplified recipes and I am confident they will provide tasty happiness and joy to those you cook for.